So, what I noticed is that in the standard Character Pawn Blueprint, when you track the movement of the camera, only the WORLD Location is updated. The LOCAL Location is static.
Not sure why this is, however, what if there’s a FAST TRAVEL point you made, and you want the camera to reposition itself in the same location every time, what is the best way to do this?
I ask because, the last orientation of the camera is what is used as the position after the teleportation. This can cause clipping through the environment, and, frankly, it doesn’t look professional.
I thought about finding the delta relationship (difference) between the Player Character Actor and a suitable Local Location for the Follow Camera, plugging the value in all teleports, but I imagine there’s an easier way?
When you used the teleport function, you can add a variable (actor itself or similar vector location) of the teleporter, you can then use that as a reference like set controller rotation of the character to face orientation to teleporter.
*If the mesh teleporter is similar to ff14
So in the end the teleporter contain it location and another location to face it.
Do you mean Final Fantasy? I haven’t played games in that franchise since FF6. (I couldn’t get into 7+; but I started “late” in life, when the franchise was already at 12 or 13, so that may be why.)
Very true. I haven’t properly set up the camera collisions for the mesh in that level yet, so the camera clips through even during gameplay (for now).
The problem with the Look At Rotation is that it affects the rotation, but the camera doesn’t need to be rotated, it needs to be located (it has a spring arm/boom handling its rotation). That’s why I was hoping for a Relative/Local set of the camera.
Yes final fantasy 14, i have started it since beta on ps3 and that game still popular
Hmm usually the camera should by default be relative to the character when set as child with the spring method unless the location was set as Absolute.
Yes, but maybe I’m not being clear. If the player is a derp, and decides to point the camera straight up right before teleporting, when the character teleports, the camera will still be pointed up, because all I’m doing is using a Set Actor Location node.
I want the camera to be set back to “neutral”, but the problem is that the only values that change are the WORLD/ABSOLUTE values. The LOCAL/RELATIVE values do not change.
If I were to use the world values, I’d have to offset them with the character’s current position, which, as you know, is the whole point of having relative/local values.
PS: There’s also the possibility that I don’t fully understand how the camera works, so I could be coming to incorrect conclusions, and you very well may have already solved my issue. But I dunno, yet.
One of the get is the character and the other it controller.
This should make the camera face the character from behind which is usually the neutral state.
if your char bp has Use Controller Rotation Yaw off
You’re absolutely correct, but what I decided to do (because I’m a VERY visual person) is I created “ghost markers” (i.e. hidden spheres) that take the starting world orientation of those cameras in the character’s Blueprint, and reset the cameras to the “ghost markers’” world transforms. Because the “markers” are attached to the character, their local orientation is always the same, though their world transform will change.
When it comes to transforms and splines, I really do prefer to use Sequences and Markers instead of going raw Blueprinting. It’s just how my brain works.
I usually do the same but with Arrows to get a visual idea of what actually is happening.
Yes with ue5.0 epic added more function node like Markers for Sequencer, it is extremely useful, especially for my dialogue system, by just placing a visual Marker when doing cinematic things