If you create a transform variable in a blueprint, and try to set the default rotation values in the editor, it jumps to different values.If I try to insert 90 as the value for x,y,and z, after pressing enter either the value I enter changes to something else, and or other values change. Enter values, compile, save, open variable and try changing values again. Try resetting everything to 0 for location and rotation and 1 for scale, compile and start over if necessary.
Enter 90 for X in rotation, 90 for Y, then 90 for Z.
In addition, values have a habbit of jumping to .9999 values or near, instead of staying at 0’d out values, instead of 90, u will see 89.999954
Noticed in 4.12 as well, not sure about earlier versions.
That is not at all the main issue, that was just an after the fact issue I noticed ‘in addition’ to the actual issue. Everything above the ‘In addition’, is the main issue. Can you not reproduce it?
If what you are seeing is small rotation value changes as you describe in your post (89.999954, etc.), this is expected behavior. There is a floating point error that occurs in computational software. You can find more information on Floating Points here.
Still happens in 4.25 and I think it’s expected (some quaternion / gimbal lock thing? maths…), the values change wildly every time you click on them but the end result shouldn’t matter (even if 0,90,90 becomes -82.874969,90,7.125023)
One workaround, if you want more predictable values to look at, is to not type in exact 90s e.g. (0,89.9,89.9) will keep the values closer to what you typed in.