Set Default Spawn Player At as Current Location, Instead of Default Player Start

Is there a way to set default play controller for Spawn Player At as Current Location, instead of Default Player Start? level editors on our team would prefer this while they are in decorating mode :slight_smile:

Obviously, it’s not a big deal to go into Play options drop down and change this…but it would be nice for those with a certain workflow to not have to do that each work session.

Hi James,

There is an option for this in Play settings drop down.

With editor open, click down arrow beside of Play button in your toolbar. You will see an option titled, Player Spawn At. Change it from “Default Player Start” to “Current Camera Location”.

This option will be saved as default in your map and next time editor is opened it should already be selected.

If you have any questions just let us know.

Thanks, TJ

Yes, but for us it never saves as default option when we open editor again. Whenever we reopen editor it’s back to “Default Player Start.” It’s not a serious bug, just a small annoyance.

You guys rock! Thanks!!

Hey James,

I’m entering a request in our database for ability to set this as default in Editor Preferences. Thanks for feedback!