Set Current Mouse Cursor doesn't work until mouse is clicked

I am aware that this question has been asked before however none of the solutions presented have worked for me. In short I have a button that is dynamically created. I use the Bind Event To Button Callback node to capture a click on this button. This executes a function in my 3rd person character blueprint which in turn calls the Set Current Mouse Cursor node within my Player Controller blueprint (See screenshots below). I want my cursor to turn into a hand the moment I click this button. However, the cursor does not change until I click the mouse again. I can click any button, including the mouse wheel, and the cursor will update. How can I make the cursor update immediately and not when I click? As you can see I have added a print node just before the Set Current Mouse Cursor and indeed the text is printed precisely when I click the button, but the cursor is not updated until I click somewhere else. Here is a list of all the solutions I have already tried: