Set Crosshire correct line trace End position

Hello There) How to properly ‘lock’ the Crosshire at the endpoint of a line trace? It seems to be locked, but when tilting, it shifts. I’m using a widget as the crosshair, which consists of a Canvas Panel and the crosshair image itself. The Line Trace originates from the weapon’s socket. Thank you.

You need Location, not Trace End:

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As above, and consider getting rid of the expensive Canvas - utterly unnecessary unless you need it there for other things. You can simply set the widget size like so:

Also note that widgets are generally placed by their upper left corner. If you notice an offset, subtract half the Size from the Screen Location.

Thank you… but… this doesn’t help, unless I plan to walk around with my head always down. :blush: If I raise the line trace above the horizon, the crosshair starts to act unpredictably. I’d like the crosshair to always stay exactly where the line trace is pointing.

Will try, thank you

@PREDALIEN Is very correct here. Line Trace returns Blocking Hit - use it to see what situation we need to handle. Something along the lines of:

Since we’re using a collision channel, this will also allow you to easily control what the line trace can focus on and what should be ignored.

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Thank you so much, it’s work