It is completely nuts - UE4 an documentation! By the gods in heaven! 99% of the functionality of UE4 will probably never be discovered by 99% of the users because there is not a hint that it exist and if so, then there is no hint how to use it and what it does.
Does not it fit into the brains of Epic, that it does not make any sense to write functions and stuff at all first place, if it is not documented. Man…really! I have never worked with anything remotely half baked as that **** UE4 and its basically non-existing documentation.
So I found here in BP: Set Constraint Reference Position.
There is a one-liner popping up. Same one-liner as in the ‘documentation’ of UE4. It is clearly a developer note.
Google. There is NOTHING anywhere on the internet to be found! NOTHING!!!
For **** sake! What does it do? Just document that stuff + one example. It is completely crazy to publish an engine like !
I am not sure how your blueprint is set up, but have you read through the Physics Constraint Reference and the Physics Constraint Component User Guide? The Blueprint API reference is still a work in progress so some nodes only have basic information on how they work, with further details on using them in the general reference pages such as the ones linked above.
Sure it did, maaan! waddaya think?
Got the frikkin euphoria selfbalance system replicated with ragdoll, maaann.
Raggie balanz like a li’l angel.
Now IK for da frikkin adaptive walkin, maaannn.
Noddin but da boo hoo in YouEFour, maan.
YouEFour ain’t gonna gimme da joint positions during runtime, maaan!
Need da joint positions for da frikking walkin, maaan!
Gimme 1 star for ma post, maaan! **** boyz!
Guyz code 'n code…functionz ‘n functionz…yeah…<deleted: inappropriate language> documentation.
Frikkin indie stuff! h’Ours and h’ours to find basic stuff out… ain’t no learnng curve…itis baad documentation!
Keep yous stuff. Keep da doggy at home. No YouEfour in ma house. **** boyz! **** kids engine! All pretty looks and poostprocesss nonsense, nottin’ unda da hood!
<deleted: inappropriate>
(ok, all means I am pretty dissappointed by the UE4 documentation. I mean, what are they thinking?)
C++ API refrence is more developed, all blueprint nodes that have “f” icon has equivlent C++ function which oyu can find in API refrence, as well as function it self in API refrence is marked with blue file icon, API refrence seems to have more descriptions as well as code snippits which let you figure out what function does (if you know C++ a little ;])
yeaahhh, maaan…ya know…ALL pluebrint functionZ have C++ Code behind them. nod juzt the f nodes.
That how them was built! But yeah, maaan… me ain’t digging in no sourz code. Ain’t gonna habben.
Gimme zome documentation! Gif da world zome documentation before yous publish. Ain’t no epic da way it is.