Set Cheat Inventory problem

Hi i have a problem please help me out.
I’m using Set Cheat Inventory in playerpawn and it works in devkit viewport but once i try it in singleplayer game, it doesnt work at all.
I also tried setting the flag Use Cheat Inventory to true on event but it didnt work either.
How is the singelplayer game blocking cheat inventory atm? I would like to bypass this.

Tried with Default inventory items too, works in devkit but stops working in the real game singleplayer. Very strange

Devs, there is something blocking giving of items on spawn to players in ark. It works fine in dev kit but in ark, both cheat inventory items and default items dont work even with their enabled flags approved. Can please explain what parameter is blocking it?

Nevermind I found out why it doesnt work now. its the case of inventory only works if u use playerpawn itself and not the male or female childs and the Ark Dev kit simulator doesn’t check these constraints. Really very difficult to find out this, hope there will be better documentation soon.