I just got my code to work for a mantle system, but am running into a snag.
After the character climbs, it sets the character’s movement to Walking, and for some reason won’t let you jump after that unless have the character fall again.
My solution was to have my character go into a the movement Falling after they are moved up the ledge, however it plays the falling animation I have set up in a State machine transition to play when the character is in the “Falling” state.
Is there an easy way to prevent this in the state machine, or another way around having the character forced into a falling state?
Climbing is the sort of thing that most games would use root motion for, but that would be a whole other topic.
If you want to do it this way, I’m not sure what is making your character not able to jump, but figuring that out is probably a good idea.
Try print string the “current jump count” variable on tick. It may just not be resetting it because “on landed” was never called.
I found the issue and got it resolved. I had a line of code in my jump IA that set a timer, then set a variable after the timer ran out to make it so you can’t spam jump. Removed that and it works, then recreated it a bit better this time. No more glitch.