Gate opens and closes perfectly fine. However, no sound is played upon opening or closing. Sound only plays if a default value is set for the parameter, in which case sound only plays once when level is initially loaded (according to default value set). This suggests the problem lies in the ‘Set Boolean Parameter’ nodes not setting the parameter value when prompted.
Is there any way around this issue?
If not, do you know any other method of achieving the same purpose?
Good point and thank you for trying to help.
I have added a ‘Play Sound at Location’ node which executes when the timeline finishes. I have also added a sound node for the ‘Parameter Unset’ child node of the branch in the sound cue. The result is that the sound for ‘Parameter Unset’ is playing every time the gate finishes opening or closing. But the sounds for ‘True’ & ‘False’ are still not.
np. I’d leave the set bools where they are and just insert the playsound between them and the play timeline - it may be easier just to have 2 different cues and not use a bool as it’s less code…