Set/Assign Sub Sequence Track In BP

I’m working on a few tools to for filmmaking in UE, but I’ve run into an issue with the Sub Sequence + Camera Cut Tracks.

I can easily duplicate a Template Sequence with Sub Sequence Tracks in a way that fits production, but I cannot automatically assign the Sub Sequence Tracks via BP. The goal is to create a Sequence, Add or Get the Sub Sequence Track(s), and assign the other new Sequences that have been created.

And you can create a Camera Cut Track, but you can’t assign a Camera to it.

I found a video of how to do it in C++, but I haven’t developed my C++ Skills to create and implement in a project.

Is it possible to do this in BP? Or is it only C++ currently.

RE: Camera Cut Track, there’s an easy hack to just swap the Possessable Camera out, and update the Camera Component Settings in the Sequencer to match.

But I still haven’t found any way around adding a Sequence to a Sequence, or Assigning/Linking a Sequence to a Sub Sequence Track.

SOLVED: There’s no clear documentation on how to do this, but if anyone else tries it’s pretty simple.

  1. Get your LS somehow (Get Focused Level Sequence for example).
  2. Get Tracks > Cast To MovieSceneSubTrack or just Add Track of Class MovieSceneSubTrack.
  3. Add Section (or Get Sections of you already have Sub Tracks) > Cast To MovieSceneSubSection.
  4. Set Sequence, use your sequence.
  5. And to auto set the playback range… Get Sequence from the MovieSceneSubSection > Get Playback Range > and Set Range of the Section to match the Sequence.