It’s possible set an ambient sound to an dynamicSMActor through unrealscript inside the actor’s default properties?
Yeah, you just need to subclass it and declare AudioComponent in default properties, like this:
var(Beamos, Sounds) AudioComponent SpinSound;
Begin Object Class=AudioComponent Name=SpinSoundComp
SoundCue = SoundCue'Enemies.Beamos.Sounds.Beamos_Spin_Cue'
bAutoPlay = False
bAutoDestroy = False
bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed = True
End Object
SpinSound = SpinSoundComp
But, if you want to play it constantly, right after the game starts, I suggest you to use this code instead, or you might encounter a bug, which mutes all sounds, until you restart UDK.
var(LZ_KActor, Sounds) SoundCue AmbientSound;
var AudioComponent AmbientSoundComp;
simulated function PostBeginPlay()
SetTimer(0.05, False, 'CreateAmbientSound');
function CreateAmbientSound()
if (AmbientSound != None)
If (WorldInfo.GetDetailMode() != DM_Low)
AmbientSoundComp = CreateAudioComponent(AmbientSound, true, true);
if (AmbientSoundComp != None )
AmbientSoundComp.bShouldRemainActiveIfDropped = true;
Oh Nice… It works!! Thank you very much!!!