Set ai variable (level) from level blueprint

I am trying to set my enemy ai’s level (integer) from a variable in my level blueprint. I have logic in the enemy ai blueprint to scale health, damage, and experience given based on their level so my goal is to be able to create a map, set the level for enemies, and then scale accordingly for any ai that are spawned in that map.

I found using my level blueprint’s event begin play and get all actors of class works for any enemies already in the level. However, if I spawn new enemies dynamically they aren’t appropriately set because they weren’t spawned during the begin play. Instead they spawn at the default value and not what is in the level blueprint.

I’ve tried a blueprint interface and an event dispatcher, but neither seemed to work (or at least I couldn’t get it working…). Is there a way for by ai blueprint to speak to the level blueprint, get the level and set it, then run my function to scale?

Create a Level DB (actor class), Set your variables in it. Have the Game Mode read the Level DB and update existing and newly spawned AI.

This worked perfectly! Thank you so much!