Set Actor's truct UPROPERTY(config) from .ini

If I have a struct:

struct FInstantWeaponData

	/** base weapon spread (degrees) */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config)
	float WeaponSpread;

	/** defaults */
		WeaponSpread = 5.0f;

and a class:

// A weapon where the damage impact occurs instantly upon firing
UCLASS(Abstract, config = Game)
class AShooterWeapon_Instant : public AShooterWeapon
	/** instant weapon config */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Config)
	FInstantWeaponData InstantConfig;

how can I set the value of WeaponSpread in my DefaultGame.ini


This does not seem to have any effect on the WeaponSpread value

Is it possible from DefaultGame.ini to drive the value of a struct variable on an actor like this?

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First, InstantConfig variable must have the Config specifier.
Second, to initialize properties inside structs use this syntax:
