This function gets called locally on the client. However, the rotation sometimes happens and sometimes it doesn’t. But it always rotates when I’m the server. Why is this? How can I make sure the rotation is ALWAYS happening? There is no other script which is interrupting the rotation.
Running on a client WITHOUT dedicated server, working well.
WITH dedicated server, calling in neither client nor server work. SOMETIMES not working.
When you call SetActorRotation in SERVER for character A,
→ On Client A : My character A sometimes not turn.
→ On Client B : Character A turns properly.
Return value of SetActorRotation is ALWAYS true. But not turn. WHY???
before SetActorLocationAndRotation, call Character->GetCharacterMovement()->FlushServerMoves() seems solve this issue, not sure this is the right way to fix this.
Same boat here… when I call the rotation it works for every other player but on the local client it works only SOMETIMES. For example, if I call the rotation 10 times, both players can see it well around 5-6 times… the rest, only the other clients sees the rotation but the actual player calling it doesn’t. Same as others, return value from rotation is always true, and every print I made for debuging shows no error, nor in variables, nor in replication (every one recieves the call). I think its a weird bug from the engine itself.
This is still an issue to this day, I found a hack which is calling the add movement input which forces the character movement component to update the rotation