Set actor rotation not working!

I need help, i made a object that will keep moving and spinnig left, it’s moving but not spinning, i don’t know why, here’s the movement tick:

i need help :frowning:

If you want the actor to rotate at a constant rate, you can just use the rotation movement component.

Or use AddActorLocalRotation:

Also, if you want to add rotations, there is the Combine Rotatorsnode for that.

What if I want a sphere to rotate after showing a text? Here is my code. Set actor hidden returns true, and I set the sphere to be moveable, but it just failed to start rotating it.

You set the rotation once, to be that rotation. Nothing should be rotating here. You’d need to add some rotation every frame instead.

Depending on how it’s supposed to work, one straighforward way is to add a rotation component to the target actor.