Set Actor Location for 1000+ actors using Timeline?

Hello, I’ve got a question about moving around 1000 actors in a level.

My current setup is a regular grid-like arrangement of around 1000 BP actors (each is an instance of the same blueprint) that all move up and down in the Z axis to create an overall wave like effect. They all move with reference to the same timeline to create a regular motion, with each starting at a different point on the timeline (I have a construction script that sets the starting height for each one based on the distance from a separate actor). The timeline curve I’m using is basically a sine curve so that the movement eases up and down gently.

This is working, but its quite slow, and I wondered whether there was any blueprint solution that would be faster in terms of FPS? Alternatively is there another solution I could try outside of blueprints? Animating in Max is the only other solution I can think of and there are other problems with doing this.

Thanks for the suggestion, but the actors all have to be interactive (some move on player contact, some have collision etc). I don’t know if the sequencer can hold interactive events but I can imagine it taking an age to set up 1000+ actors in there. If I did, is there any reason to think it would be easier on the FPS count?
