I am trying to replicate actor rotation which some might say is already handled via replicate movement, but this is not movement based rotation.
This rotation happens with mouse cursor. I am setting the rotation on the tick event (testing purposes but will move to a timer later on) where it sets the actor rotation to the direction between the actor location and a decal which is set to the mouse hit location.
I then create my RPC Server custom event and pass in the rotation and location into this custom event and have my RPC Server event call a MC event where I then update the rotation and location again for all clients.
So I am updating the rotation/location on the client, calling the server to update the rotation on a Multicast event, which sounds logical for replication, yet I’m only able to have the server replicate to the client; the client doesn’t replicate back to the server.
I have double checked that my variables are set to replicate, my actors are set to replicate, and my custom events are correctly set to server and MC respectively. I have then tried using a rep notify to handle the same thing, but it yields the same results.
Does anyone have any ideas? This is handled in my Character Blueprint, but I have also tried and tested similar (I believe identical) logic inside the player controller with worse results.