Set actor hidden in game not working on event Tick and Input Action in one time

What are you trying to do?

Ok, you’re trying to make the object invisible when the camera is far away?

The player controller doesn’t have a location ( which is why you had to uncheck context sensitive to get that location node ).

What format is your level? ( first person / third person / top down… )

How about this?


Hi. Little problem hire.
Problem is that function doen’t work on Tick and InputAction in one time but other actions. If I turn of one of them it works fine. First “Set actor hidden in game” is called when object is to far from camera (character), secound is called when first (when camera is near and if object is visible) is false and right mouse button click “input action” (and it doesn’t work).
Any sudestions?

Yes. Thats right , I try to do this with secoung function to hide when right mouse click if object is visible (InputAction BuildTest)

It works fine ,but like I wrote , I have 2 functions what set visibiliby to this object

  1. Camera, and it works with (InputAxis BuildTest)
  2. Actor object who is turn off visibility when camera is far away (Event Tick)
    Problem is when am try to use 1,2 , then 2 doesn’t work.
    Question is how to construct 2 function and wher to implement this (Character, Actor) and how to use those 2 functionalities in on time (what Event)
    On debug every things looks fine but object doesn’t make invisible.

It works fine ,but like I wrote , I have 2 functions what set visibiliby to this object

  1. Camera, and it works with (InputAxis BuildTest)
  2. Actor object who is turn off visibility when camera is far away (Event Tick) .

Problem is when am try to use 1,2 , then 2 doesn’t work. Question is how to construct 2 function and wher to implement this (Character, Actor) and how to use those 2 functionalities in on time (what Event) On debug every things looks fine but object doesn’t make invisible.

gimme a minute…

Easiest way to achieve this is with a collision volume.

But if you really want to do it on tick:

It works with secound function and it works GREATE :slight_smile: Thank you much :slight_smile: