"Set Actor Hidden in Game" cannot be triggered by keyboard events in the Actor Blueprint.

If you’re using a non-english keyboard, go to the editor preferences and check the keybinds. The engine might think you press something else when you press K on your keyboard.

Keep in mind that those keyboard action nodes also do not work during screen recordings and similar things.

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Thanks, the Print String node works fine, the engine should know that I’ve pressed the K key. However, the Set Actor Hidden nodes do not seem to be working.

How many Items do you have in the scene? Input Consumption is a thing and player input should not be implemented in regular actors - it’s not their job to handle it. You’ve started looking into Interface communication, perhaps it’s time to leverage that:

  • the player presses K → the item responds (by hiding itself, I presume)

If in doubt, do tell what’s the big picture here, how is it all supposed to work.

You can disable Input Consumption for the K node but then ALL items will become hidden.

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Thank you.
There are five items in the scene. This is not an actual project, just some beginner-level experiments. Thus, my primary concern is not implementing this functionality, but rather understanding why the ‘Set Actor Hidden in Game’ node is not functioning as expected

Additionally, I tried testing it in the level blueprint, and everything worked fine.

It’s not about Set Hidden node. It’s about input consumption - the actor that can get to the input first will consume it.

  • if you use K in the Level BP - you use it only once
  • if you use K in every item - only one of them can trigger
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