If you’re using a non-english keyboard, go to the editor preferences and check the keybinds. The engine might think you press something else when you press K on your keyboard.
Keep in mind that those keyboard action nodes also do not work during screen recordings and similar things.
Thanks, the Print String node works fine, the engine should know that I’ve pressed the K key. However, the Set Actor Hidden nodes do not seem to be working.
How many Items do you have in the scene? Input Consumption is a thing and player input should not be implemented in regular actors - it’s not their job to handle it. You’ve started looking into Interface communication, perhaps it’s time to leverage that:
- the player presses K → the item responds (by hiding itself, I presume)
If in doubt, do tell what’s the big picture here, how is it all supposed to work.
You can disable Input Consumption for the K node but then ALL items will become hidden.
Thank you.
There are five items in the scene. This is not an actual project, just some beginner-level experiments. Thus, my primary concern is not implementing this functionality, but rather understanding why the ‘Set Actor Hidden in Game’ node is not functioning as expected
Additionally, I tried testing it in the level blueprint, and everything worked fine.
It’s not about Set Hidden node. It’s about input consumption - the actor that can get to the input first will consume it.
- if you use K in the Level BP - you use it only once
- if you use K in every item - only one of them can trigger