Session Frontend Profiler - Event Graph Section Needs Scroll Bar, Hides Info

I spent several hours super confused trying to figure out the Session Frontend Profiler because my window was not tall enough and an important section of information was hidden, with no scroll bars. If you make your window too short, the Event Graph window gets cut off and hides the event listing:

If I make the whole window taller, it shows up:

If you’re going to let users make the window as small as my top screenshot, there should be a scroll bar for the Event Graph portion so you know there’s more info that’s being hidden.

This is pretty trivial for me to work around now that I know to just make my window bigger, but as someone trying to learn how to use this tool, I was really confused for a while why my window didn’t match the one in the docs:


Hi clt2488,

I agree this looks confusing, and the implementation of a scroll bar would have prevented your confusion. As such, I have put in a feature request for this functionality to be added. For tracking purposes, please reference UE-13908 to check the status of this request for the future.

Hope this helps!

Great, thanks!