One possible solution, if you are using the Steam online subsystem, is to enable seamless travel and setup whatever code/bps you need to make that work. I found out that steam does not support server travel calls without seamless travel enabled and the error is exactly the same. Another thing to be aware of is that seamless travel currently doesn’t work in PIE. I’m not 100% sure, but I saw a support request on the oculus dev site that mentions this same error, so it’s possible that the same restriction applies to the oculus online subsystem.
I believe this is the correct answer. We are still trying to get our stuff working but the basic connections seem to function through steam using seamless.
I’m also getting this same problem on 4.18.0 on a project that used to work on UE 4.15. Apparently, this error arises because a chunk of code marked with “TODO: START TEMP FIX FOR UE-42508” (World.cpp - line 6419), as far as i could debug it, the netdriver was ok before this, and would be working if the temp fix hadn’t been applied. I’m not using steam subsystem, just trying to connect two machines through PIE.
On a side note: Don’t use special characters in replicated variable names! I learned this the hard way! (I think it was either a " " or “_” that caused me issues. Took FOREVER to debug. xD
Can someone explain just a bit more?
Do I understand it correctly, that for steam seamless travel is mandatory? If not, you will have problems on server travel? And is this still valid?
I read about server travel ( Travelling in Multiplayer | Unreal Engine Documentation ) but I am wondering about about how to work with it in my everyday scenario. I test a lot in PIE Tests before testing in stand alone. This means I can not test lobby and such things anymore in PIE right?
At the moment I have Lobby-Player-Controller and Lobby-GameMode splitt from “game” Player-Controller and “game” GameMode. Is it possible to use servertravel but also generate new GameMode, the one which is assigned to the map?