Since 4.16 ServerTravel is not working properly when a network session is started (it was working fine in 4.15 and previous versions).
If i call ServerTravel before starting a session, it works well.
If i call ServerTravel and then start a session, then subsequent calls to ServerTravel work well.
But if i first start a session and then try to call ServerTravel, the new map is not loaded and i get the following message in the logs:
LogGameMode: Not traveling because of network error
When i add this before calling ServerTravel:
AGameModeBase* ThisGMBase = GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode();
if (!ThisGMBase->CanServerTravel(TargetMap, false))
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("CAN'T TRAVEL"));
The “CAN’T TRAVEL” message is displayed, so CanServerTravel is failing somehow, but i couldn’t locate where the function fails, i get none of the LogGameMode messages from CanServerTravel, and i can’t find the “Not traveling because of network error” message in the GameModeBase class.
I found a few occurrences of this error message on the forum and on the answerhub but none helped me with this problem so far.
the autoconnect checkbox has no visible effect (same problem when checked and unchecked)
it doesn’ occur only in the packaged game, but also in the editor standalone game
To be complete i should add that i have no idea if it works or not in a packaged game because some other 4.16 regression currently forbids me to launch a packaged game (other bug report opened). And as i am using steam, i don’t have network in PIE, so currently i can only test in an editor Standalone Game.
Thanks for any help !