I have a multiplayer game that is setup through steam.
I allow the first player to start a session from the main menu which basically runs open level.
The second player can look in a server list to join the game.
This part works great and it goes from a main menu to level1.
Now I have a blueprint that loads a new level if one of the players overlaps with a box collision. This runs a console command "servertravel " with a space, and i append the name of the second level “level2”. It looks like this.
Both the server and the client load the second level but it seems like they are both initially loaded where the default camera position is located, which is not where the player start is located. Then the hud loads for both players. Then the camera moves to another location way above the ground. This happens in like 1-2 seconds and I cant control anything with the mouse or wasd. Also I do have seamless travel enabled on everything that I could think of especially the game mode, and replicated the load level blueprint just in case.
this is the link to the video tutorial I used to get my multiplayer game running:
Im not really sure what the issue is here. The world settings for both level1 and level2 are the same as well. It kind of feels like the server crashed but im not sure.