I am calling ServerTravel from my code and it always crashes no matter what map I pass it (I’ve tried “/Game/Maps/map_name” and also just “map_name”) or where I call it from (I have tried calling it after pressing a button and also tried when the game started). I don’t have any network code in my game, so no client or server (I am planning to add this later) but I heard it should work regardless?
Access Violations are usually caused by trying to access a NULL pointer. It’s impossible to debug this kind of thing without the code in front of you, so I suggest adding breakpoints and checking that all of your pointers are initialized when ServerTravel is called. You can find the offending pointer and trace the problem back.
Alright I solved it.
For others having this issue: Make sure your GetWorld() returns a valid world. I was requesting GetWorld() inside a singleton I had made that would construct itself in a Transient Package, which I think doesn’t really have a valid world.