Server side build causes an error.

I did a server side build of my project, and I receive the following error:
title: Serialization Error : Action Needed, text: Corrupt data found, please verify your installation.

Assertion failed: CurrentPos + Count <= TotalSizeOrMaxInt64IfNotReady() [File:E:\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading.cpp] [Line: 7791]
Seeked past end of file /Engine/EngineResources/WhiteSquareTexture (129647 / 3851)

Engine: UE5.03
Engine built from source.
Platform: Win64
Any Idea what is causing this?

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Hey @omer253, Welcome to the forums!
Have you run into this thread yet on your search?

I hope this can lead you in the right direction!

Hi Zen, thank you for the answer.
Unfortunately, it is not the same error. My error occurs after building a development server of a game developed in UE5.03.
When trying to open the compiled development server, the error appears. It happens in an additional computer as well.

It seems like it’s failing due to some missing files. You may need to manually update/hotfix that file since you’re building from the source.
Let me know if it’s still an issue!

I have the same issue. I’ve tried different engine branches- 5.0-main, release- and still get the error. The debugger hits an exception in asyncloading.cpp, line 8444. It seems to want to read beyond end of file for /Engine/EngineMaterials/WorldGridMaterial.

When I first got the error (prior to pulling latest from UE and checking out different branches) the error was the same, but the material throwing it was WhiteSquare. I’m thinking it’s not the material, but something else given it’s occuring on more than one material.

Hey @ChuckBoBuck22
It seems like there is a material compilation bug happening. Depending on what OS you have, I’d recommend this fix:

There might be more at play though, with GPU issues.
I hope this can help, let me know if you have any more questions!
-Zen :vulcan_salute:

For my case, it was just me being stupid. I didn’t package the server. I built the binaries for client and server, but only packaged the client.

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I’m glad you figured it out though, and thanks for replying!
Happy Developing! :vulcan_salute: