Sernyl's project vault

Hello, Unreal community!

I’m creating this thread to post some of my projects that i’ll be doing with the engine. They will mostly be archviz stuff for now :slight_smile: I hope that’s okay.

A little bit about myself.
I always wanted to get into game development, so I started with counter-strike map creation way way back. Eventually,decided that it’s time to actually try and make some simple games. I’ve dabbled with Gamemaker, c++/sfml, c#/xna and eventually Unity. I never really made anything worthwhile, but it was still a learning experience. And then I saw unrealengine. Oh the possabilities. Especially when it became free it felt that it’s a SIN to not use it :slight_smile: And so i’m here. I’m hoping toget some feedback and criticsm. My main goal is to learn, step by step, little by little :slight_smile: I’m working differently than I did before. Rather than jumping in into big projects, i’ll try doing really really simple stuff and move from there. I hope you will join me on this journey, and that i’ll be able to create something that you can enjoy :slight_smile:

And i’m done with my rambling.
This is my first project in unreal engine after playing around with the tutorials. Decided to do a very basic scene. A small classroom-esque environment. It’s still a WIP, but this is what I have so far.

I still can’t seem to fix some of the shadows. As you can see the one coming from the chairs. Some of them are really blocky. I’m using a 512 lightmap for the floor, custom lightmap uv from blender, made sure there are margins and everything is aligned to the grid, production level lighting, but still nothing. Can’t seem to wrap my head around it. Any advice, general tips,critique are always welcome, if you have the time :slight_smile: