Serial size mismatch when open project

Hi everyone !

I have been working on my Project for months and now it crashed. I have spend hours to fix but still stuck here. I think there is something wrong with my DataSmith file.
How can I bypass this in order to open the Level map in UR and then re-import DataSmith file ?

Really look forward to any help on this.
Thank alot

[2024.05.27-06.48.37:854][  0]LogLinker: Error: [AssetLog] C:\BuSmartUnreal_v1_2\Content\BeginMap.umap: Serialization error - FName are serialized as an index recorded in the package header, the current deserialized index has value -2080374784, outside of the valid range [0, 94052).
[2024.05.27-06.48.37:854][  0]LogLinker: Fatal: [AssetLog] C:\BuSmartUnreal_v1_2\Content\BeginMap.umap: DatasmithAssetUserData /Game/BeginMap.BeginMap:PersistentLevel.Actor_3039.Curtain_Panels_시스템_패널_세라믹판넬A_2_32.DatasmithAssetUserData_0: Serial size mismatch: Got 196, Expected 171
[2024.05.27-06.48.37:855][  0]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed:  [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\LinkerLoad.cpp] [Line: 4616] 
C:\BuSmartUnreal_v1_2\Content\BeginMap.umap: DatasmithAssetUserData /Game/BeginMap.BeginMap:PersistentLevel.Actor_3039.Curtain_Panels_시스템_패널_세라믹판넬A_2_32.DatasmithAssetUserData_0: Serial size mismatch: Got 196, Expected 171