SequoiaForest Pack

Hi guys,

guess where we made a little field trip to yesterday:


Since people asked for it our next pack will be a sequoia forest.

Luckily not far from our studio is a test forest where they planted
over 1000 red woods (mountain and coast sequoias) here in Germany
in the 1940s and 60s.

So we took tones of photo material yesterday.
Still have to go for a 2nd trip to catch some more stuff.

Our next big trip will be to a few locations in the Netherlands and
around Bonn/Cologne, which sport some 200 to 400 year old sequoias.

Here is a little sneak peek at two of the thunks:

I keep you posted on our progress, but right now we will finish the first forest pack asap.


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

I’d say again a nice :wink: Keep up!

Nice! What camera you use for your photos if you don’t mind?

Sweet cant wait for this to come on the marketplace :smiley: