even in a clean empty third person template if i use third person character BP in sequencer it won’t play in a packaged mobile project and character appears in T pose.
different animation asset keys won’t perform different animations it dose not seem to be usable and flexible enough to be replaced with normal animation keys.
It must be a bug because it works fine with auto play but not via BP
I’m triggering it with the Level Blueprint. I can even start with the character using the AnimBP, then disable it, run a sequence on the character, then switch it back to AnimBP control.
Is this what you’re doing in your BP when you trigger the sequence:
what we were talking about is this ( when you add character BP to sequencer and set some animation keys those animation won’t play in packaged mobile projects and as it is needed to set default anim class to none in this case, character appears in T pose in packaged mobile project.
and using animation asset keys instead can’t be an option because different animation asset keys are able to play only one animation and if you change one of them the other one will be changed