Sequencer with Animation Blueprint

I have been using the Sequencer with Animation Mode = Use Animation Asset without issue; however, I’d like to switch the Animation Mode to “Use Animation Blueprint” and use the Anim Class we’ve already created. How can I tell the level sequencer to make my character execute tasks from within the animation blueprint’s animation graph? Instead of reprogramming all of my animations into my sequencer, I’d like the sequencer to attack / special attack / jump / etc.

Hi corsi,

Have you seen the following documentation on Animating a Character with Sequencer?

Animating a Character

Please review this and let me know if it does not answer your question.



Hi, ! Thanks for your response.

This is currently how I am animating my skeletal mesh in the Sequencer (using animations on the Sequencer, and the skeletal mesh’s Animation → Animation Mode is “Use Animation Asset”).

I would like to use my animation blueprint so on the skeletal mesh Animation → Animation Mode = “Use Animation Blueprint” with my Anim Class set

… as the blueprint has anim-blends and responds exactly how the character does in game, which I’m having trouble recreating using the sequencer timeline.

Using the Sequencer → Animation with ‘Animation Assets’, I am basically recreating all of the animations we’ve already built in the animation blueprint. I’d like to tell the sequencer “run, jump, attack, dodge”, instead of trying to piece together these animations which are already pieced together in the animation blueprint.

Hi corsi,

I was wondering if you had figured out the solution to this already. The communication between Sequencer and AnimBPs really only goes one way. Sequencer → Animation Blueprints. You can trigger and control the playback of the sequence in real-time, but you can’t necessarily modify the contents of a sequence in real-time.

Now, if I’m not understanding you correctly, I’d like to also offer up the idea of using AnimSlots to feed the sequencer animations through your AnimBP. If you right click any Animation in Sequencer, you’ll see “Slot Name” in the properties. If you create a slot in your AnimBP and plug it into the AnimGraph, it will play the animation from sequencer.

Let me know if you need more explanation.

EDIT: There’s also Sequence Recorder, which will record gameplay and create a sequence out of it.

@ , can you explain what you mean by creating slots in animBP , I know that slots can be made in animation montages but how does it help me trigger animations inside sequencer?

If you create a default slot node in the AnimGraph, you can then modify it in the details panel to use a specific slot. Any signal passed through the slot node will be overridden if you play something through that slot.

  • So, lets say you’ve got a blueprint in your level with a skeletal mesh component using an AnimBP.
  • In that AnimBP, you’re AnimGraph has an idle animation passing through a slot node for “Slot1” into your result.
  • Now you create a sequence and Add the BP actor to the sequence.
  • Create a track for the skeletal mesh component
    -Add an animation(a run animation) to the skeletal mesh component’s animation track
    -Right click the animation>Properties and enter “Slot1” into the Slot field

Now, your BP will play the idle animation until the point that you trigger your sequence and it sends the run animation through the slot in the AnimGraph.

Hope that makes sense.

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Can I blend new animation from sequencer using anim bp, sequencer weights seems not working?

I have a similar problem here, trying to use sequencer with an animation blueprint.
I have the correct slot, but when i try to blend between to animation, it doesn’t work.
Looking throught the source (4.15.2), it seems it is not supported (MovieSceneSkeletalAnimationTemplate.cpp), each animation in sequencer is played as dynamic montage but kill previous montage launched.
Have you any clue or some fix on github that resolve this issue ?

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I also would like tovdo similar thing, does anyone solve this? the animTion blueprint sim cannot read ghe transformation keys i did on sequencer. there aee any way i can do that i can tick animation like in game? might be create a spline in character blueprint and let itself go follow can update the local psotion lkke ingame? I have no idea yet

Found out the solution. the core is animation blueprint itself, normally the animation blueprint call the movement component in game, and the move component itself do some adjustment itself and update the position, but if you dont use the move component, use the the pawn position (actor position, rotation, etc) , store the previous tick position , you will get the different between previous frame, so use that different varaible(its the speed, or turning) to control the animation in animGraph, then the animation blueprint will work in sequencer, i also saw another method is use spline control, but I think my method is more user friendly, dont need to create spline, and also just key the transformation itself it already work well…

Hi mate, can you explain this a bit clearly ? Where do you store the previous tick position ? How do you make it move like in the real game ? On every tick you store the position in a variable and you use that variable in the blueprint animation to make it work ?