Sequencer Vs. Blueprint Actor with Timeline node

I have a Blueprint Actor (the square snowman in the video) who’s head is animated to turn using a timeline node in the BP.

I am trying to trigger the Blue Prints custom event that fires the timeline that turns the head using Sequencer.

I have added the BP actor to sequencer, I have created a trigger and tied it to the BP Actors custom event to turn the head. I have set every custom event, both in the Actors BP and Sequencer’s BP to “Call in Editor”. I have set the Game to “Simulate” . I have set the BP Actors Class Settings to “Run Construction Script in Sequencer”.

Playing the Sequence fires the event (I have a print string in place that fires) but the Timeline does not fire and the Snowman’s head does not move.

I thought that maybe Sequencer does not recognize the games “Tick Event” and so therefore Sequencer cant play Timelines in BP Actors.

BUT!!! I found a youtube video (shown at the end of the attached video and linked below) that does exactly what I’m trying to do, and yet it does not work for me.

Any help would be appreciated.

And yes, I know that I can just use sequencer to animate the Snowman’s Head, but this was just supposed to be a simple test to see if I could do it, before I animate an 8 Legged Mechanical Spider Robot, that I would just like to do through a Blueprint Actor.

Here is the youtube video of the thing I’m trying to do working.

Thanks for looking at all this and for your patience, as I’m sure it is probably an easy solution, but I am new to al of this.


I made a couple of test, look like that if you have the sequencer open it step in the middle of the process. dont understand why but the 2 “time line” fights one another.
If you drop the level sequence in the level and set autoplay, it will work just fine.

I didnt test the render, did you ?
this may work differently when you run movierenderqueue.

Thanks for looking at that!

I guess that I was getting that result and not realizing it, as I had the Sequencer in the level and had auto play checked.

Do you have any thoughts on why when the guy in the you tube video scrubs through his timeline, the door opens and closes? When I try that with mine, I get nothing.

I appreciate your time and will test out rendering this thing and see if that answers any questions or generates 100’s more as is often my experience:).


Seemed to render out best I can tell, I’m going to call this a win for now.

Thanks for your help.
