Is it possible to do in the sequencer “Fade Track” not only with the transition to black(color), but making the whole scene gradually transparent? To make the transition between shots through transparency. In the film montage this often used as technique. It would be nice to have it in a sequencer. now in Fade-settings there is an alpha, but not clear on what it affects
I think more than one people are waiting for this functionality since long time… I still don’t understand why is not here since de beginning, it’s just a must have. Maybe the functionality already exist, but I’m still looking for…
So, I’m with you about this request.
Unfortunately It’s not possible right now. You can only have one active camera at a time, fading between two cameras simultaneously would mean rendering both cameras at full resolution which is very expensive and (unfortunately) not something the engine supports. Scene Captures won’t fulfil this void either, as there are still rendering differences between cameras and scene captures. (Never say never, but I’ve been asking for that to be implemented for years)
If you want to fade like that, you’ll have to do it in post for now (and for the forseeable future).
NB: The Alpha affects the alpha of the colour of the fade, it’s just one of the properties of FLinearColor which is shared here.
I understand the fact about rendering. But maybe there are more optimized way. Why it shouldn’t be possible to parent setting (from a level sequence, in this case “opacity” thing) to the outside (master sequence). And changing Opacity setting in the Master sequence will be only change the setting inside the sequence. So what we see will be just a replication thing of the one camera render. It will be just more easy to weak to have everything on one time line and not tweaking one track, check in the master sequence if it’s okay.
I don’t really understand what you mean. post = is to use post-process-volume and post-process-materials to make the whole scene (whole level) transparent?
I don’t really understand the technical details, I imagine that the Fade in the current implementation is like plane placed in front of the camera, which changes the transparency from black to fully transparent, which allows to get the effect of shading. To make transparent all objects in the scene are probably technically more challenging.
I can’t make transitions between shots through transparency in UE4, but it’s easy to do in After Effects. But for this I have to make a render for each of the shots individually and with additional frames. And, of course, this method is only for creating animated videos or short films, for cat-scenes in real time game must be other techniques.
by the way, there are “Fade | Screen Transition Effects” and “Fade Camera Occluders” on the Marketplace, but they also dont have a transition through the transparency for the whole scene ((
I’m afraid that rendering just doesn’t work that way.
By ‘Post’, I mean render the sequences to pre-rendered cutscenes and blend them together in something like After Effects, then import and play that as a movie file in the engine if you need to.
The current ‘Fade’ implementation, if I remember rightly, just draws a full-screen quad. Essentially the scene isn’t ‘fading’, the renderer is just drawing a colour over the top of it (the scene is still being rendered even when it’s fully ‘faded’ out).
The reason it works in after effects is because you’re working with pre-rendered video files. In Unreal, the rendering is done in real-time - and it’s therefore too expensive to render a full scene from two camera perspectives.
It’s important to point that out because although sequencer is used in a similar way, it’s not a video editor.
thank you for the detailed explanation
One would think they could lower the resolution as they cross fade if processing power is an issue (especially since they have dynamic resolution now in the engine). Hoping they can find a way to make it work in a future release…
hmm… well being as you can only have one camera cut at a time, one has to get creative… so stop camera cut with a five second delay to next camera cut… insert umg
use a umg with a 2 video backgrounds that you made from the camera view… with one on top of the other animate so that the top one alphas out and the other comes into view… then set your camera cuts to match… something like that… or just do the fade in third party and match to cameras
just thinking outloud… you could also put the third party wav into a movie plate and just cut to that too…