Sequencer spawnable Media Plate Actor goes black when saving sequencer

Can anyone explain why this happens? Or confirm that this is a bug in Unreal Engine? Because I think it is a bug. This bug occurs in both Unreal Engine 5.1.1 stable, and 5.2.0 beta.


When a Media Plate Actor with an EXR Sequence which is in sequencer is marked as “Spawnable” it turns into a black screen when the sequence is saved.

I think also that I converted the Media Plate into a masked object, instead of transparent.

Expected behaviour:

The media plate keeps the image shown in the viewport or in the camera viewport without going black.


Close the sequencer and open the exact same level sequence you just saved. The media plate will display the current EXR frame perfectly, but if you change anything and save the sequence, the Media Plate will turn black again, resulting in you needing to do this tedious opening and closing of the same sequence.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a new virtual production project with ray tracing enabled.

  2. Make a new level sequence and create a new image media source

  3. Add the folder of EXR images to the image media source

  4. Drag the image media source into viewport and have it converted to a media plate actor

  5. Edit the media plate actor to use the M_MediaPlateCC and adjust the exposure, and make sure that all textures / materials are set to Masked

  6. Drag the media plate actor into the sequencer

  7. Convert the media plate actor to spawnable

  8. save the sequence

  9. notice that the media plate actor is now BLACK

Can anyone figure out if I am doing something wrong?


Other notes:

I also notice the M_MediaPlateCC also is removed when turning a Media Plate Actor into spawnable mode.


I am facing the same problem. Have you found any solution?

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Hi @shobhitkhanduri, I mentioned the workaround in my post:

Close the sequencer and open the exact same level sequence you just saved.

You can also toggle the Media plate to Possessable, and Spawnable again.

Other than that, there is a fix coming but it is planned for Unreal Engine 5.5. Bug report UE-188164.