Sequencer Problems

I’ve been trying to use Sequencer to create animations using the control rig I put together. I’m having the following, extremely annoying and problematic issues:

  • Some controls (not all, seems random) I have added in my control rig don’t all show up in the sequencer as tracks. (They are not hidden, and I have tried re-adding the control rig to force a refresh). I managed to remedy this by changing the order that the controls are under the root control in my control rig graph. No idea why that makes a difference.

  • I create an animation, save all the keys, save the sequence itself, save the scene it is in and then do a save all shortcut for safety. The next time I load up UE5, my sequence has certain controls with no keys and all of that data lost.

  • Some of my control rig controls in sequencer, absolutely refuse to rotate, as though sequencer is fighting me and counter rotating. I have no idea why. The only remedy to this I have found is to manually enter a rotation value in the details panel with auto key ON. If I turn off auto key, and try to manually key this rotation, it resets back to default rotation??? Why is this so broken.

Does any one know why the above things are happening, and possible solutions? Thank you.

I am using UE 5.3.

Small update:

Upon further investigation of these issues. The biggest one being data loss from level sequences when loading the engine. I am to reproduce this issue 100% of the time by simply re-compiling my control rig which results in a number of controls and any keys they have in the sequence getting deleted.

I have also 100% confirmed that if I move the problem controls elsewhere in the hierarchy of the control rig, they vanish from the sequencer tracks. This is all very troublesome and preventing any development ><

Okay, I think I’ve isolated some pattern to which controls misbehave, as to why, not sure. It seems as though whichever control is last in my control hierarchy displays some of the issues I mentioned.

For example, in this image, I moved my lFoot_Ctrl further up, which causes it to vanish from my sequence tracks (it was last in the hierarchy before). The pelvis_ctrl which is now last, lost it’s animation data and also has the counter-rotation issue when auto-key is turned on. It also will not let me manually key the pelvis now, when i rotate and try to key, it resets it to the previous rotation.

Edit: Nevermind, I moved the pevlis_ctrl back up the hierarchy and it is now permanently broken, can’t key it manually, can’t rotate it with auto key. Perhaps not entirely hierarchy related, however the lfoot_ctrl will simply not show up in sequencer unless I move it after everything else, and it has the same keying issues as the pelvis.

These issues seem to be order/index/hierarchy related. As I was seeing this issue with the lFoot_ctrl’s children previously. I just recreated that entire set of controls but this made no difference other than highlighting that it instead breaks a different control when those were deleted/moved.