Sequencer not rendering shown sequence

Dear community,

After struggeling for several days with the sequencer, I hope to find an answer to my problem here…
My main problem as the title says is that the video sequence, which is displayed to me in the secuencer panel is not the one which gets rendered in the end.

Pic.1: My sequence panel with the selected CineCameraActor_BP i’d like to render out.


Pic.2: My render preview.

To me it look likes the rendered camera taken is placed at the world origin 0,0,0… what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions… I’m going mad.

Additionaly information: The CineCameraActor_BP is following a spline in the scene on play. In the level blueprint I start the sequence recording and stop it after some time. While playing I’m spawning several cars on the road which seem not to get recorded at all. Since I was unable to render out the desired sequence I can’t tell if they will somehow show up in the rendered video, thou they’re not visible in the sequence panel recorded track.

As the most usual answer seems to be that camera cut track is missing, or camera has not been assigned to it but…

One thing that isn’t mentioned in many answers online is that if your timeline start-marker (red line that defines starting position) starts before your camera cut then rendering starts as there was no camera cut in place (from 0,0,0 or from player start or something). It is fairly easy to miss this…

i can make it work even if befor/after ther are more frames of my track