Sequencer not rendering Facecap

Hello guys!

I took a facial capture using LiveLink.
In both the facecap worked and I was able to record using the Take Recorder.

When I press play or simulation, everything works normally.
The animation of the body, camera, props, etc. It’s all ok.

The problem is when rendering the sequencer.
The facecap is not being rendered.
The video or image generated by the render is not “playing” the facecap.

Can someone help me?

(I’m using Unreal 5)

I’ve encoutered the same thing - LiveLink animation from the IClone software is perfectly working when playing the Take recorder sequence,
But when clicking on the render icon , it creates sequence without any animation.

I’ve even managed to make this work somehow few hours ago :slight_smile: But can’t remember , what I did. :smiley: After few hours experimenting with with various combinations of settings, it actually rendered LiveLink animation.

Solution was (maybe??) to record livelink take recorder sequence again of itself… in some sense of baking it (because i thought it must be related it was created with livelink somehow)

But this doesn’t seem to work. I even can’t “bake” sequence to a new sequence and i’m not sure if i even managed it to work… Or maybe it is some UI button, i forgot… because I somehow manage to create resaved animation with different filename

So it seems it somehow can be done… but i’ve forgot how.

I was trying again some tutorials but it seems nobody is discussing rendering livelink takes… except this forum post, but with no reaction here :smiley:

After few attempts it suddenly worked and then not again.

When I’ve deleted the CC character mesh and auto-imported it again, the rendering of sequence was working again correctly.

I’m not sure what caused this but it seems (for IClone livelink integration) deleting all of that CC character assets and doing new import helped.


I found the possible problem and solution.
From what I tested if the facecap subsequence is starting before the main sequencer starts (before the green mark). The facecap will not work.
The ideal is to leave the subsequencer of the facecap after the green checkmark of the main sequencer.


Interesting. This may be the possible reason. Thanks for the insight.

Hmm still unable to fix this. Happened again in new take… Shifting beginning of sequence doesn’t help.
I’m rendering just the very take sequence. No subsequence. Just this sequence with LiveLink tracks - all start at 0:00 time mark.

Must be some bug? I’m using UE5.03 version.

I’m trying to solve this for several hours … :slight_smile: Strange no talk about this anywhere.

I’ve tried to click on “Render (remote)” and this worked. It may be bug that is fixed using using remote render? But at least some solution.

This has been extremely frustrating as I have many MANY face captures and shots in the pipeline and it is NOT clear why suddenly I have to troubleshoot the darn thing rather than just get my shot and move on! WHY IS THIS NOT BEING ADDRESSED!? I’m fairly sure it started with that last update, and 5.1 is still being too buggy for me in some areas.