Sequencer not recording some of the pawn components

I have a custom vehicle (a Pawn) whose wheels (Static Mesh Components) are parented to two levels of Scene Components which, in turn, are parented to a physics collider and then constrained to the body of the car. No components are spawned/attached at runtime, they are all defined inside the car BP.

I have been trying to record this vehicle driving around using Sequencer, but despite the fact I have indicated in the Take Recorder that I want the Transforms of the body and of the wheels, I don’t get key frames for the wheels but I get keyframes for the body and for some of the higher level components in the hierarchy (those they are ultimately parented to). I have tried many different combinations of settings without success.

Is there a limitation within Sequencer respect to the depth of the hierarchy of components it can actually record? So if I want the wheels I need to find a way to move them up the hierarchy, closer to the root? Or did I stumble on a bug?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions/help.

After further testing with a simpler setup, I was able to reproduce the issue in a test project. It looks like a bug with Sequencer/Take Recorder where kinematic actors parented to physics actors constrained to a physics root are not recorder/replayed correctly. In the replay they move differently than they did during recording. I have submitted a Bug Report to Epic.