Sequencer - Move all animated objects/cameras to new location

I created a sequence of some wagons and soldiers movie down a road with animations applied and cameras etc. I converted them all to spawnables in the hopes that I could then drag and drop this sequence into a new level so that I could re-use the work I did in the other level on this new level (avoid having to do the same thing twice). It drops in fine, I open the sequence in the new level and all the assets are there(cameras, characters, animations, wagons etc). But the issue I have is that I want this entire sequence to play out in a totally different location than the location they are spawned in now (they are located in the world space they were originally located at in the other level).

Is there a way for me to reposition/rotate the entire sequence together as a whole so that I can place it elsewhere and have it play out as it does in the previous level? This would save me many many hours of setup!
Thanks for your help,

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Just found your issue because I have the same problem!

I would like to rotate my whole sequence. The problem is that I can’t rotate for exemple the master sequence to rotate or reposition everything togheter.

It could be a really usefull feature to add when you create a master sequence. Something like, everything should be link to the master sequence debug Icon in the center of your scene. So when you move it, everything in your sequencer move with it.

I have a workaround, it is not very convenient but you can take it as a reference.

You can add an empty Actor to the scene, and put it’s location at (0,0,0) and rotation (0,0,0)
Now attach your actors to the empty actor.
Use key input to modify the location and rotation of the empty actor, now you have a translated scene.

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That’s probably what I did! It’s not very convenient though…

Sorry I have the same problem, what do you mean with “Now attach your actors to the empty actor”?
Thank you!

Tried this , but the keyed actors in the sequencers go back to their old locations after sliding the sequencer

Change your section from setting the absolute position to relevant location.

I’ve looked up for changing the space of the animation but couldn’t find a way. But you can

Add a new section to your Transform section. But unfortunately this probably means that you need to re-key your animation.

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Additive tends to work better than Relative.

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我已经解决了。摄像机右边添加track,会有一个Attach,选择一个空actor进行父子绑定,对摄像机以及actor,进行右键,然后convert to pawnable。对actor进行key帧即可。

Creating Level Sequences with Dynamic Transforms in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation this worked for me

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