Hi! I got a scene with 2 characters, and they have different materials both with media textures connected to basecolor. The media textures use different png sequences, both inside movies folder inside the project folder. For each one I created a Media Image Source and a Media Player.
In the level sequencer I created 2 media tracks for each media texture. And material animation on one character works perfectly, and on the other one it’s just a still frame on which the playhead is in the media player.
And in the render movie this material is just always black.
I don’t know where the problem is but it seems like the media track in particular doesn’t follow the sequencer’s timeline and dosen’t pick the right frame from the sequence.
Or maybe it’s the fact of using two media textures in one scene. But I’ve tried putting only this character in the empty level and it was the same.
The thing that puzzles me is that one of the materials works, and they are both created the same way with, no differences in the preferences of media sources or media players or media textures.