Sequencer - Deep Rock Galactic - Character Presentations

Hi Everyone

My name is Ronnie, I work as an animator on the game Deep Rock Galactic.

During the marketing campaign of the game, I created 8 videos showcasing the 4 main player characters, and 4 of the monsters.

The videos are rendered using the Sequencer in Unreal Engine 4.


Everything is set up in the sequencer, except for the pop-up text, those are added in Premiere Pro…

The scene consists of a custom cave environment. Since the game is procedurally generated, I couldn’t use any of the levels in the game, so I had to make my own little cave.

I dragged the character blueprints into the scene, so they showed up with armor and beard and everything. After that I just dragged in the animations onto the timeline,
in the order I want them to play.

Then I dragged the weapons in and attached them to the correct bone in the character, and hide/unhide at the times I wanted them to show.

The exact same goes for the particles. Dragged them into the scene, placed them and then just hide/unhide at the right times.

Some of the animations already had particles and sound attached to them, so on those I got it all for free.

After creating a camera with the wanted settings, field of view, depth of field, motion blur, ambient occlusion and bloom, then I basically just animated the camera as in any other program.

I did all the videos using only one camera in the scene, which was very risky, because it lost the connection to the scenes a few times. So I would recommend using more cameras for camera cuts,
instead of having one long animation on one camera. But it’s all part of the learning experience :slight_smile:

The lighting is a simple 3 point lighting system. Blue and orange lights on the sides for rim light. And a main light from the front, but not straight on.
Also a skylight to boost the overall ambience light of the scene.

Even with 3 shadow casting lights and particles, everything ran in 60fps realtime when pressing play, which made everything super easy to work with,
and saved me a lot of time, compared to rendering in traditional 3D programs.

Here’s a screenshot of my setup.

In the end, everything was rendered out in 4K 60fps, and then the last tweaks were edited in Premiere Pro.

Thanks for watching, and let me know what you think, and if you have any comments, please let me know. Thanks :slight_smile:

  • Ronnie Ree (Animator)