Sequencer Curve Editor Only Applies Key Interpolation Post-Key / Out


Notice in the image above, the key selected has “Linear interpolation” applied, but looking at the bezier handles and curve, it clearly is not linear. In the image below, I selected “linear” for the previous key, and you can see post-key / out, it is linear, but pre-key / in, it is still “auto”. Is this a bug or is there a setting I missed? In 3DS Max for instance, when you right click on a key, you have options for both the IN and OUT interpolation of the key. Note, I’ve also played with “break” and “flatten/straighten tangents” to no avail.

I noticed Max Chen mentioned upcoming updates in the following question, I just wanted to tag this question along with it.


Hate to bump this, but even with the new 4.20 weighted tangents update, this is still an issue. If the previous key is set to linear, you don’t even have access to a bezier handle for the key you want to adjust.

Yes it appears we only do linear interpolation if the previous key is set to linear, otherwise we just do bezier and don’t take into account the linear tangent handle. Investigating a fix.

It’s been fixed here, and will be in 4.22