Sequencer crashes at same position + not animating lights

I just recently upgraded my project from 4.25 to 4.26 and noticed sequencer will crash my project at the same position in time. I also noticed, I can scrub a sequence and see lights animating, but when in play mode, the lights do not get animated. Is anyone else having sequencer playback issues in 4.26? I’ve also deleted the Saved and Intermediate folders…

I get this error:
Assertion failed: UpdateQueue.Num() == 0 [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/MovieScene/Private/EntitySystem/MovieSceneEntitySystemRunner.cpp] [Line: 96] Updates are already queued! This will run those updates as well, which might not be what’s intended.

I’ve also attached the output log…


Update, I should change the question to: “TriggerBox / TriggerSphere crashes when set to execute a level sequence to play”

In 4.26 - I solved the freeze / crashing by creating a 0.1 delay after the begin overlap and before the event is called to play the sequence.

As for the lights, in 4.25 I could play the level sequence which controls actors from a loaded streaming level and it will take control of them when the level was set to visible. In 4.26, it will not control the actors (in this case the area lights) if the level was set to visible after the the sequence was playing.


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With your hint (delay) I’ve solved the same error with my sequencer, in my case the crash was triggered by a tiny subframe difference in level visibility / shot start point.

In the picture an example of a “subframe difference”, this is working for instance… but other shots had a different start point for visibility/shot and there it crashes.

I have the same sequencer error with “Assertion failed: UpdateQueue.Num() == 0”. In my case it happens at the end of each sequence, which is a big problem since my master sequence will contain over 50 separate shots.

The Camera Cut and the level visibility track end at the same frame, so I do not have the same issue as you. Any ideas on what could cause the problem on my end?

In this case, I am trying to render 360 Stereo Captures of an archviz scene using the 360 Camera plugin from the Marketplace. I don’t think that the plugin is causing the issue, as the crash happens regardless of what is added to the Camera Cut.

With the same problem in another spot, I’ve trimmed the end of a subsequence and that did the trick. I’m also rendering this in 360 Stereo, but with with the Panorama Capture 360 plugin included…