This is a consistent bug that I have been dealing with that crashes the engine. When in sequencer, I sometimes accidentally right click over a keyframe and it opens a different drop down menu than usual which is a drop down menu that has some options to copy and paste specific traits from keyframes. This crashes the engine 100% of the time
I’m unable to reproduce the issue above. Would it be possible to get more information on what drop down menu this occurs with?
-Thank you
Hey Ridley,
It is with the paste trait dropdown menu-it happens over a keyframe and gives options to paste for x,y, or z. I would take a screencap but it crashes the engine :(.
I’ve tried copying and pasting a few different types of attributes etc. and am still unable to reproduce this. Does this occur for you in a clean project as well? If so would it be possible to get a sample/test project that this is occuring in from you? Also, is it only occurring with certain assets, keys, or attributes? To make sure I’m looking at the same drop down menu as you I’ve posted a screenshot below of it below. Is this the one you are referring to?
-Thank you
Due to the time that this thread has remained inactive, I will be closing it out for tracking purposes. If you run into this issue again or have any more information or questions regarding it , feel free to reopen this thread.
-Thank you