Sequencer Camera will not update in playmode

2 days ago all of a sudden when i go into play mode in my scenes - the camera zooms way back and when i click the Sequencer camera it doesnt jump to the camera view / camera cut track is fine / it renders fine out of movierender que but i cannot look at stuff cuz the camera doesnt update anymore

I’ve checked in multiple scenes and used multiple gamemodes in world settings in the level and none make any difference - this click shift to move cursor now pops up . Again I’ve tried gamemode gamemodebase moviepipelinerendermode - none of these scenes have level blueprints - I’ve been using them for months with no problem
changed default gamemode in Project setttings a bunch that did nothing

its like its stuck on some gamemode and nothing i do will effect it

I open another project and its works fine -
made sure gamemode and gamemodebase all still reference the same file in the engine dir so they didnt get overwritten some how

I am seriously perplexed I’ve been working in this project for over a year and there are alot of scenes in there and all i do is make cinematics so this is very weird behavior .