Sequencer bug: cine camera lost for all shots except the first one


I was briefly following the official sequencer tutorial:

I’ve created 4 Level Sequences (3 shots and one “master” level sequence - all of Level Sequence type, created in the exact same way):


After, for each shot I’ve added cine camera with “create new camera” button on sequencer window and then adjusted angles so each shot looks different:

So far so good, each shot preview shows correct image, (as well as the preview inside sequencer window for each of them).

Now I went into “Master1” and added “Track → Shot track”.
After that I added my 3 shots one by one with “+shot” button.

The first problem I spotted (and difference with tutorial) is that all shots previews looks like the preview of first shot added which is wrong:

Moreover, once I enter then (click on them from Master1/shot track), only the first added shot looks correct:

For all other shots, when I enter them from Master1 → Sho2 (or Sho3), the preview stays as for first shot and the CineCameraActor2 is marked in red with “The object bound to this track is missing” (it does not show up in the World Outliner either, while I have there the CineCameraActor for first shot while I am inside Master1 or any sub-sequence).

Even more strange, when I open the same shots (e.g. Sho2) directly from Content Browser (not from Master1 → shots), everything works perfectly normal, with CineCameraActor2 perfectly visible and with correct preview.

Even more (!) strange, when I remove the first shot (delete it), the new first shot (previously the second one) get correct preview and all (and the 3rd stays wrong). So it’s always only the first shot being correct.

Is it an bug of UE 4.20, or am I doing something wrong? It makes working sequencer and multiple shots impossible.

I was able to reproduce this problem multiple times with many variations (different folders, shots number, different names etc.). It worked the same on fresh-new, empty C++ project as well.

Stacking your shots on top of each other is not a typical workflow. When shots overlap, only the topmost shot will evaluate. This is a special case for the shot track where it’s expected that you’ll usually want to pick a single shot that is active at a particular time. All other tracks evaluate together.

So, it would be best to stagger your shots, like this:

Thank you for explanation. Still, it’s sometimes useful (and quite common thing in video editing) to have many sequences that overlap on different layers (for organizing, blending and more) - it works without problems in most of video editing software and it would be nice to work that way also in Sequencer which I think takes inspiration from those.

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