Sequencer Attach Camera to a bone works in viewport, but not in captured movie

I am working on a camera animation workflow with sequencer(maya to UE), which works great in the viewport.
What i am doing:

  1. creating a bone in maya, which folows the camera anim, then i export it out to ue (simple fbx anim pipeline)
  2. I create a socket on the bone.
  3. Put the skeletal mesh in the scene, add to sequencer
  4. Add cam to the scene, add to sequencer
  5. Attach camera to skeletal mesh socket. Works like a charm
  6. Capture movie. Everything works fine except the camera movement (which works in the viewport without problems)
    Best regards

I was examining the problem more: So it turns out Attach doesnt work while capturing the video, but in viewport it works. None of the attached object animations is rendering.

Hey elodakielod,

Are you using a shot track? (similar to director track from matinee)


Yes i am.

Lets forget about the camera for now, basically attach isnt working when i capture a movie. Only in viewport

I am unable to replicate this issue in 4.11 P4. The attachments are working fine for me.

Are you attaching from the Scene Outliner or the Attach track in Sequencer? Both seemed to work in renders for me (I tried both image sequence and movie renders.

I tried to reproduce this aswell, and it worked fine with my testscene(so i couldnt reproduce the bug. Unfortunately not in my workscene. I try to fix this and let you know what the problem was.

Have you made any code changes to the engine or project?

No i didnt. Unfortunately i dint made any progress yet. But im on it to find the reason of this strange behavior.

Did you upgrade this project from 4.10?

No. I created it in 4.11…
I managed to recreate a similar error when i attach the camera to an animated object, but in this case the camera jumps to 0,0,0 and it doesnt move at all.

Could you delete your saved and intermediate folders, zip up the project and send it to me? If it’s too big to attach, can you throw it up on Google Drive, Dropbox, etc?


Sure! Tomorrow i do this. I send you the original scene where my problem occured, and this one aswell where i created the screenshot. Thank you!

First i am sending this small test, then i send the other scene later. link text

And here is the second: bone attach scene. In the viewport it works, there is a very suddle move with the camera. When i capture the video it doesnt work. I cleaned my sceneout, and added some cubes, so you can see a bit the movement of the camera. Regards. Előd link text

Hey Előd,

Looks like this is just an issue with the root being out of view of the camera at the start, which causes the animation to be disabled (by default, when skeletons are occluded or hidden, they stop processing animation).

SO, there is a setting on your skeletal mesh that you can use to override this behavior. Under the details panel, find “Mesh Component Update Flag” and set it to “Always Tick Pose and Refresh Bones”


Awesome! Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Hi, I have the same problem, and I solved it by putting on mesh component update only flag that has arisen another problem I have a machine with separate wheels and when I put it to the wheels that the car always tick poser and refresh the wheels leave the bones car and later do not understand why

Hi metalsnake8484,

As this is an old issue and sequencer has changed significantly since the time of the original post, could you please create a new thread describing your issue in full?
