Sequencer, animBP, slot node and additive animation.

Hello everybody !
I’ve got a character with an anim BP.
His composed from several skeletal mesh sharing the same skeleton and the same animations.

I want to use it inside the sequencer.
I can assign animation asset to each part of it by setting there animation mode to 'Use Animation BP".

  • it works but I need an “actor version” of my character with these settings.
  • The other problem I met is that I have to assign animation to each mesh part in the sequencer and it makes a lot of redundant work.
  • Last, but not least, I wish to use additive animation inside the sequencer (breathe + animation).

The perfect solution for me seems to be the use animBP.
I should set the additive animation in it, I should set the animation to be played one time and every part of the character will play it…

I have been searching some intel about the use of anim BP inside the sequencer.
I found this : Sequencer with Animation Blueprint - Cinematics & Media - Unreal Engine Forums

But I don’t understand what’s slot node are or how they works…
I don’t see how to use additive animation in that context.

Can you help me a bit with this ?

>>But I don’t understand what’s slot node are or how they works…
I don’t see how to use additive animation in that context.

When you plugin animation, you can insert slotnode between animation to any blend node. Slot node is used for custom insertion of animation assets via code or blueprint.

You can use AnimBp using slot node. Say you have additive and full animation, then you create AnimBP with two slot nodes, and make sure your sequencer track uses that slot to plugin that animation.

>>- Last, but not least, I wish to use additive animation inside the sequencer (breathe + animation).

You can use additive animation in the sequencer now though. Not sure what was issue you hit with this?



Thank you !
I got it.

I have not try this yet, I’m at the reading stage of my learning about this ^^.
I have no problem with additive animation since I haven’t try to do it :slight_smile:

I will certainly ask more precise question in a near future.