Hello everybody !
I’ve got a character with an anim BP.
His composed from several skeletal mesh sharing the same skeleton and the same animations.
I want to use it inside the sequencer.
I can assign animation asset to each part of it by setting there animation mode to 'Use Animation BP".
- it works but I need an “actor version” of my character with these settings.
- The other problem I met is that I have to assign animation to each mesh part in the sequencer and it makes a lot of redundant work.
- Last, but not least, I wish to use additive animation inside the sequencer (breathe + animation).
The perfect solution for me seems to be the use animBP.
I should set the additive animation in it, I should set the animation to be played one time and every part of the character will play it…
I have been searching some intel about the use of anim BP inside the sequencer.
I found this : Sequencer with Animation Blueprint - Cinematics & Media - Unreal Engine Forums
But I don’t understand what’s slot node are or how they works…
I don’t see how to use additive animation in that context.
Can you help me a bit with this ?