Sequence Recording not working

Hi all,

I did everything the documentation has told me to do. I open up the Sequence recorder, add a new a new actor to a new recording. I hit record once the I play the game. After I stop my recording and open up the recorded sequence I get know movement or animation of my actor and I play back the sequence even though I moved and traveled around as my character. What is going on? Is this feature just broken?

mine’s not working either… i end up -2000 or something on the z axis and just sit there… doesn’t even follow the camera track

Edit: after much trial and tons of errors it seem, at least for me, that cameras and such have to be put in directly from the sequencer track… as opposed to dragging and dropping them in from the mode menu window (for now)… an epic tutorial video series would be really nice right about now… as for recording… pshew, don’t know… they should get with nvidia and find out how shadowplay records and renders (with sound) in 3 seconds instead of three minutes… although not everyone has nvidia, maybe it could be a plug-in