Sequence recoder to record from exact same time with play button?

I would like to ask about sequence recorder,

is it possible to record movement of physics object completely?

like picture below, object(chair) is set in the air.
it starts to fall as soon as the game is played.

even if i try to press the record button and then press play button in good timing.

(the count number appears,and i try to press at the number becomes 1 to 0. otherwise the simulation starts before recording and can not get preferable resolution)

but anyway i fail to record first few delta seconds.

maybe i need to start simulation from after some seconds?

Is seuence recorded supposed to use only for things related to player?

You might try to hook up a console command on BeginPlay. You can do:

RecordSequence actor chair

It should work for the player as well, you can try with the name of the player.

Take a look here:

Thank you very much for the answer Max.Chan.
I read the post from the link, I will use the node with BiginPlay node.