Sequence not executing all of its childrens in Behaivour Tree

Hello, i am making flying AI that shoots targets and avoids obsticles!
The problem i am facing is that this sequence only executes this one task “set_IsShooting” and wont switch to others in its group(Change Location Flying and BarrelRoll), it is stuck exectuing only this one task, even tho every condition is supported! I mean as we can see in blackboard variable list IsNotDoingBarrelRoll=true thus it should execute Change Location Flying, and the other one!

Here is the implementation of Set_IsShooting task.

i realy dont know what could be cause of this problem. Could it be a possible bug in engine, or i am missing something very important.

Blackboard isNotDoingBarrelRoll: Notify Observer On Result Change, Observer Aborts Self
Blackbord IsAvoiding: Notify Observer On Result Change, Observer Aborts Self

It produces the same result if i set it on On Value Changed.

Set a breakpoint on the last node in the Sequence.
When it hits the breakpoint, there will be a button on your top toolbar to step BACKWARDS through the logic. click this to reveal how the previous step in the logic prevented you from reaching that node.

If it doesn’t hit the break point, try placing a breakpoint on the node immediately after the only that that appears to fire and repeat the process as above.

If that doesn’t work, try break points on the successful node (and step FORWARD) and the parent Sequence node, or the grandparent Selector node if nothing happens there.

When you find the step that is breaking your sequence, it should color code the arrow lines between the nodes to indicate how the logic resolved, and should highlight nodes and give other output to show whether something aborted and why.